Chianti - 20 km from San Gimignano

Few territories like Chianti can offer such a rich and suggestive panorama. You will be enchanted by the green hills designed by miles and miles of vineyards and olive groves, the narrow villages between large medieval walls and winding streets.

Below we propose a daily itinerary which starts in the morning from San Gimignano:
  • Barberino Val d'Elsa: a beautiful medieval village between Florence and Siena surrounded by the green Tuscan countryside. The secondary road that leads you from San Gimignano to Barberino Val d’Elsa and the corners of the town offer breathtaking views over the Chianti region. To the right of Porta Senese (the medieval entrance gate to the village) you will find the Pasolini Dall'Onda Borghese winery, which is worth a visit! The cellars of this winery are in the basement of the village, where their excellent wines are entirely refined, aged and bottled; in the mill of the farm continues the centuries-old production of extra virgin olive oils, considered by experts among the finest in the area, among which there is the Laudemio.
  • The fortified village of Badia a Passignano is beautiful. Its Protected Natural Area is perfect for trekking lovers, it is in an unspoilt landscape with breathtaking views.
  • The village of San Donato in Poggio is also a mandatory stop.
  • Then continue to Greve in Chianti, considered the gateway to Chianti, famous for its particular square, which since the Middle Ages, was the market of the villages, castles and farms of the surrounding hills.
  • Then continue to Panzano with the Antica Macelleria Cecchini, famous for its excellent Florentine steak which is cut while decanting the Divine Comedy. 
Between Florence and Siena, in the Chianti area, there are many Villas/Castles that are worth a visit.

  • The Castle of Verrazzano: famous for being the home of the Navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano, New York Bay's first explorer. A visit to the Castle, the gardens and the historic cellars, followed by a tasting of their wines is not to be missed.
  • Brolio Castle dominates the southern part of the Chianti Classico area and since 1141 it belongs to the important Tuscan family of the Ricasoli. The Italian gardens and the romantic park surrounding the castle are beautiful and very suggestive. From the garden you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Ricasoli estates and the city of Siena. Inside the Castle you can visit the Chapel, the family crypt and the museum of the Ricasoli Collection. Do not miss a visit with tasting at the cellars and an excellent lunch at the Osteria del Castello.
Southern Chianti also deserves its own itinerary.
  • Starting from Castellina in Chianti, a picturesque village that still maintains the typical shape of the ancient medieval fortifications, whose fortress called Rocca with its imposing tower offers a spectacular view of the city and the surrounding countryside.
  • From Castellina, continuing on the famous Strada Chiantigiana, you will arrive in Radda in Chianti, where the evocative atmosphere that you breathe inside the ancient walls, the squares and the wonderful views of the landscape are priceless.
  • Then visit Gaiole in Chianti, the wonderful hamlet of Vertine and Badia a Coltibuono whose church, cloister, Italian gardens and cellars are wonderful.
Whatever your destination in Chianti is, it is impossible not to stop and taste its wine. The Chianti wine-growing area is larger than the towns that make it up. Many farms and wineries require reservations, for others you just have to show up but it is always preferable to get in touch first in order to organize an excellent tasting.

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