Abbey of San Galgano and surroundings - 52 km from San Gimignano

This place includes two tourist attractions: the great Abbey with a huge roofless church and Monte Siepi Hermitage, where according to the legend, San Galgano retired to hermit life in 1170. As a symbol of peace, he stuck his sword inside a rock, where it is still found today. Start the visit by taking a nice walk through the avenue of cypress trees leading to the Abbey. This ancient Gothic church that is now left without its roof really impresses the visitor. Between June and August in this wonderful place musical soirees with national and international artists take place, it is the Musical Summer of San Galgano. After visiting the Abbey, take the path indicated towards the Hermitage of Monte Siepi. There is a chapel on the site that has been built after the death of San Galgano in 1181, here is the stone where San Galgano stuck his sword to begin the new life of faith. On your way back to San Gimignano stop also in the small medieval villages of Chiusdino and Montalcinello, finally arriving in Radicofani where you can enjoy one of the most famous pizzas in Tuscany at the restaurant La Pergola (reservation required with well in advance).

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