What to see in San Gimignano

Whether you stay in the apartment Il Borgo Antico, or at the B&B La Cornice you will enjoy an enviable location for visiting San Gimignano on foot!
From the B&B La Cornice it takes a 5-minute walk to reach the historic center, but as soon as you step out of the Il Borgo Antico apartment and lift your nose up you can admire the towers of San Gimignano, which characterize the city's panorama making it the Manhattan of the Middle Ages. You will realize that San Gimignano has many wonderful monuments and places of interest that make it one of the most beautiful and well-known medieval villages in Tuscany!

Historical background 

The history of San Gimignano dates back to the Etruscan era. However, the town reached its greatest importance during the early Middle Ages, when it became an important commercial and cultural center.

The town of San Gimignano was founded in the tenth century on the remains of an Etruscan settlement, it was initially part of the territory of the bishop of Volterra. In the twelfth century, it became a free city and began to prosper thanks to its commercial activities, especially silk production.

In the 13th century, thanks to the construction of numerous churches, monasteries and stately palaces, San Gimignano became an important cultural center. During this period, the city's noble families began to build the famous towers as symbol of their power and wealth.

In the 14 th century, San Gimignano was involved in the struggles between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, political factions that vied for power in Italian cities. In 1353, the city came under the control of Florence, and this marked the beginning of the decline of San Gimignano.

In the 16 th century, San Gimignano fell under the control of the Medici family of Florence and suffered a period of economic and cultural stagnation. In the 19 th century, the town became an an important tourist destination, thanks to its architectural beauty and its location in one of Italy's most fascinating regions. Currently this city is famous for its towers, which were symbol of power and social status in the Middle Ages. Originally the city had 72 towers, but today only 14 of them are still standing.

Towers were built as private homes by the city's noble families, as a symbol of their wealth and power. The higher ones were reserved for the most important families, while the less wealthy families had smaller towers or none at all.

The competition between noble families to build the highest and most majestic towers was very strong, and this led to the construction of numerous towers in the city. These towers also served as a defense in case of enemy attack.

With the passing of time, many of the towers of San Gimignano have been demolished or destroyed, but those left standing still constitute one of the major tourist attractions of the city.


San Gimignano was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990 because of its well-preserved medieval architecture and its historical and cultural importance. The city has been recognized as an outstanding example of a fortified urban settlement of the medieval period thanks to its towers, churches and stately.

UNESCO emphasized the fact that San Gimignano represents a rare example of a medieval town that has remained substantially intact over the centuries. The city has been able to retain its original architecture and character while becoming a popular tourist destination.

Being included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites is an important recognition for San Gimignano, which has helped to promote the city worldwide and to safeguard its cultural and historical heritage for future generations.

Here are B&B La Cornice's tips on what to see in and around San Gimignano!

San Gimignano‘s Duomo
The Duomo of San Gimignano is one of the pearls of Tuscan architecture. It is the Cathedral of the town and is located in the historic center. The Duomo is characterized by a Romanesque-Gothic façade and houses inside masterpieces by artists such as Lippo Memmi and Benozzo Gozzoli. Inside the Duomo there is also the Chapel of Santa Fina, one of the two patron saints of the city. This chapel is a jewel of Renaissance art. Inside, you can admire works of art by artists such as Domenico Ghirlandaio and Benedetto da Maiano. The chapel also houses the body of Santa Fina, the female patron saint of San Gimignano. Do not miss the opportunity to admire this wonder during your stay in San Gimignano. http://www.duomosangimignano.it/home.htm                                          

Piazza Duomo 
A visit to San Gimignano cannot be said to be complete without spending time admiring this beautiful square, a place that we are sure will remain in your hearts forever. In the center of the square, at the top of a staircase is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, the Duomo. This square is also overlooked by the Palazzo del Podestà, the Loggia del Comune and the famous Torre Grossa.

Torre Grossa
San Gimignano's Torre Grossa is one of the city's most famous and iconic towers. Built in the 13 th century, this 54-meter-high tower is the tallest of all the medieval towers still existing in Tuscany. The Torre Grossa is an integral part of the Palazzo del Podestà, the municipal building of the city, and has been used both as a watchtower and as a prison over the centuries. The interior of the tower houses a series of rooms, each furnished with period furniture and works of art, including paintings, sculptures and wrought iron artifacts. At its highest point, the tower offers a spectacular view of the medieval town and surrounding hills.

Palazzo del Podestà 
Palazzo del Podestà is an imposing medieval structure overlooking Piazza Duomo. Inside you can admire Dante's Hall, where the Florentine poet gave a speech in 1300. A visit to the Palace will let you experience the atmosphere of medieval life and discover the history of San Gimignano.

Piazza della Cisterna 
This square takes its name from its famous cistern, an ancient stone building that collected rainwater for the city's needs. Around the cistern there are historic buildings, including the Devil's Tower, a 54-meter-high medieval tower, and the Tortoli Palace, a Gothic-style building with a beautiful stone façade.
The square is the ideal place to walk and enjoy the medieval atmosphere of San Gimignano. Here you can admire the historic architecture of the city, with its tower-houses, all strictly in stone and enjoy a coffee or ice cream in bars and ice cream parlors overlooking the square.
Piazza della cisterna is a must-see place during your stay in San Gimignano, which will make you feel immersed in the history of medieval Tuscany, wrapped in a unique and evocative atmosphere!

Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Ponte
The Church of San Lorenzo in Ponte is the oldest religious building in San Gimignano and is located in the historic center of the town. The church, which dates back to the 13th century, is so called because stood near a drawbridge (ponte means bridge). Do not miss the most prestigious work of art of the church: Madonna col Bambino in Gloria by Simone Martini (1310).

Rocca di Montestaffoli 
The Rocca di Montestaffoli in San Gimignano is a medieval fortress located on the hill overlooking the town. Formerly used as a strategic observation point, today the Rocca hosts performances and concerts in the summer season. In addition, some contemporary artworks have recently been installed there.

Chiesa di Sant’Agostino 
The Church of Sant'Agostino in San Gimignano is a jewel of Gothic art. Inside, you can admire works of art such as Benozzo Gozzoli's Madonna col bambino and Pietro Lorenzetti's panel painting of Saint Agostino. A visit to the church will immerse you in the history and art of San Gimignano.

City walls
The city walls of San Gimignano are an impressive defensive structure that surrounds the city for a length of 2176 meters. Built between the 13 th and 14 th centuries, the city walls are studded with towers and gateways that make it unique. A walk along the walls will introduce you to breathtaking view of the city!

Medieval Springs 
The Medieval Springs (fonti) of San Gimignano are reached by taking a short, steep descent, passing through Via delle Fonti, and through the fascinating Porta delle Fonti, from which they take their name. Immediately outside the city walls, these ancient springs still remain an evocative corner of San Gimignano.

Tourist Information Center:
Pro loco San Gimignano Association - P.zza Duomo,1 San Gimignano (Siena)

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